Monitoring of Sona Massori Paddy Crop and its Pests Using Image Processing

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Prof. Barry Wiling


Nowadays plant diseases are the major cause of low agriculture yield.  So significance of detecting diseases in early stages and treating it will improve the agriculture yield. In India the major agriculture crop is paddy and in central part of south India there is a specific paddy crop called Sona Massori. In our work we concentrated on Sona Masori paddy crop health and pest monitoring using image processing. Here image processing technique is used to observe the image of the leaf and based on the image the diseases are identified using the following process such as image acquisition, pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification. Mostly diseases are caused by pests, insects and pathogens. In Sona Massori paddy crop 99% of diseases are caused by pests, So detecting pests also plays an important role in improving yield. Here pests are detected by image processing techniques such as Gaussian blur and morphological operations.


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How to Cite
Prof. Barry Wiling. (2017). Monitoring of Sona Massori Paddy Crop and its Pests Using Image Processing. International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering, 6(02), 01–06.