
Board Members


We welcome our new editoial board member Stephen Pembi (PhD) to be a part of IJNPME family

Indexing and Citations


International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering (IJNPME) is  now indexed in BASE.

International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering (IJNPME) is  now indexed in Scilit.

International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering (IJNPME) is  now indexed in Dimensions.

International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering (IJNPME) is  now indexed in ULRICH Library.

Authors from 15+ different countires have contributed in International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering (IJNPME).

International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering (IJNPME) has reached 230+ citations in Scopus Articles.

International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering (IJNPME) has reached 1500+ readers and average downloads per articles is 43.