Automatic Speech Recognition in Mobile Customer Care Service

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Ms. Pooja Sahu


In the project an automatic speech system is used in mobile customer care   services. In existing  mobile  customer care  services, customer  have  to  wait for 4 to 5 minutes  to get  into the  option  what   they  want to  inquire. Based on the requirement, we go for filtering the incoming calls. Persons who require particular data are dynamically move to speech recognition system that identifies the type of the enquiry chosen. Speech recognition is the one which dynamically identifies the individual speaking based on analyzing the speech waves. It helps in identifying the voice of the speaker to know the recognized user. It also helps in accessing services like telephone banking, mobile shopping, database services and securing the information which is confidential.


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How to Cite
Ms. Pooja Sahu. (2015). Automatic Speech Recognition in Mobile Customer Care Service. International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering, 4(01), 07–11.