The Role of E-Government in Bangladesh’s Housing Market: A Study on Bogura, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

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MD Shanzid Ahmed
Muhammad Al Amin


Bangladesh is a developing country on e-government sector day by day. Now the E-Government mainly focusing on the housing market sector day by day because it needs a vas attention so that people can easily get this service. Bangladesh has begun to use Information Communication Technology in E-Government sector firms to improve service delivery via improved governance processes. The ICT-based governing process known as e-government provides benefits to governments while also posing obstacles. Because of the government's complexity, adoption of e-government in housing market is challenging, which may subtract from the ultimate result. E-government is the delivery of universal services to citizens. E-government opens up new road for citizens to connect with government in a more direct and convenient way, as long as allowing e-government is providing services to city’s people directly. Individuals and their governments, as well as governments and other government agencies, people and governments, governments and employees, and governments and corporations, are all included by the phrase. This research focus on the impact of Bangladesh e-government on Bangladesh's property markets, and find out the potential consequences and repercussions.


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Ahmed, M. S. ., & Amin, M. A. . (2023). The Role of E-Government in Bangladesh’s Housing Market: A Study on Bogura, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering, 12(1), 06–19. Retrieved from


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