Extending Classical Technology Acceptance Models, A Review of Potential Mobile Device and Consumer Individual Factors to Better Explain Mobile Commerce Acceptance
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Purpose - Technology adoption theories are very general, however the factors influencing acceptance could vary on the specific technology and the segments of consumers with their individual traits. This study accomplishes a comprehensive review of literature and to find potential variables to extend classical technology acceptance models specifically in the contexts of mobile technology and mobile commerce with consumer individual traits in mind.
Methodology - 1. Methodical Review of key journal articles on Technology Acceptance across multiple key publishers, 2. Review of popular extant models in the context of general technology, 3. Elicit Mobile and Consumer specific considerations 4. Identify theories relevant to mobile devices and consumers as individuals
Result - The result showed that the three were multiple mobile device/ commerce and consumer related theories including convenience, perceived risk, trust and deal proneness
Study Implications - The theories and the constructs identified in this review could be used by future researchers working to further the acceptance science in the context of mobile devices taking consumer individual factors into consideration
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